Sunday, June 12, 2011


Here I am. Back where it all began.

Matilda stood at the doorstep, the massive wood door before her. What was wrong with her she wonderd. This was home, the place she had grown up. She shouldn't have been afraid yet some how she just felt something bad was going to happen.
I cant believe you, coward.
Her consious was right. Shaking any fear she had she pulled the key from her pocket. Nervously she turned the knob, not knowing what to expect.

To her surprise, her parents were gone. In their place was a little white piece of paper, her mother's fancy print on it.
Dear Matilda, your father and I have steppd out of town. Important business to take care of. Miss you.

Love, Mother
P.S. Behave, Esteban will take care of you.

Matilda stiffled a sarcastic laugh that was brewing down in the pit of her stomach. Are they kidding me. I'm 22 not twelve. As much as I'm concerned I can handle myself just fine.

Esteban stood off to the side. Matilda could feel his eyes on the back of her head, watching her every move. She would hate to admit but this creeped her out a little. Esteban was her care giver. She had known him since she was a young child, the age of 10. Back than he was a secriuty guard in need of a job and she was a young heiress in need of someone to care for her. Now it seemed as if things had changed. Snap out of it!

What she needed to do now was calm her nerves.

"I'm going to take a bath!" She shouted to Esteban from the stairwell. "Just thought you wanted to know."

"Very well than." He held his head down as he spoke. Matilda was suspicious. But than again Esteban was still Esteban. What did he have to hide." She contined to ascend the stairs when he called to her.
"Excuse me Lady Matilda do by any chance..."
They starred at each other for a long while before Matilda turned her attention back to the staircase.



  1. Don't know how I found your story but I'm glad I did!
    You have me intrigued by her nightmare, and her ambivalent feelings about her childood home and parents.

    I loved the prologue, it was beautifully written. The dream sequence in .1 was amazing, the black and white shots captured the mood of the dream perfectly.

    Looking forward to the next update.

  2. Thanks Valpre. Matilda does have alot of things that she has to deal with that may be her down fall in the end.

  3. What an interesting story! There's got to be a bunch of stuff that happened in the past to make this situation the way it is now, and I can't wait to see you unravel it all.

    Esteban...maybe wants to be more than employer/employee??? Hmmm...

  4. This is excellent. I don't know how I have missed it. I will definitely be following your story!

    I am looking forward to the next chapter.

  5. I have just read through the story and it is excellent. Can I make one suggestion about the color scheme? The lavender text is a little difficult to read, I might choose a darker color.

  6. Thanks Jillyson. There are many things that Matilda doesn't know that could hurt her. Esteban? Well........

    Thanks 11daisies.

    Thank you seaweedy. I will take what you said about the color into consideration.
